
AAOIC eNews Summer 2021

Read the X-rays You Take – to Prevent Malpractice Claims

No orthodontist enjoys having a malpractice claim made against him/her, and if it is made in the form of a lawsuit, that is especially stressful. The main cause of loss that results in significant anguish to the doctor and frequently results in the payment of high…

AAOIC eNews – Summer 2017

Four Striking Advantages of the AAOIC Risk Retention Group
Your first question might be, “What does Risk Retention Group (RRG) really mean?”

With our RRG structure, AAOIC offers malpractice insurance to orthodontists. Like other RRGs, we were formed under federal laws in which policyholders are also stockholders….

Spring 2017AAOIC eNews

Malpractice Settlements and Verdicts are Getting Higher

The AAOIC has recently experienced an increase in orthodontic malpractice claims that are settled or granted verdicts reaching into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Our AAOIC defense counsel panel has confirmed that the big jump in indemnity awards will…

AAOIC eNews – Fall 2016

AAOIC Announces Rate Reduction and Dividend for 2017

The American Association of Orthodontists Insurance Company is reducing its Claims-Made rates for 2017 by 10 percent. Some insureds will receive a greater reduction and some a lesser reduction depending on the area of the country in which you practice.  Most Occurrence…

AAOIC eNews – Spring 2016

Engaging the Patient Can Reduce Malpractice Claims
Remember the old days? The patient comes in and says “I want braces.” You concur they need braces. You tell them, “This is what I am going to do,” and you begin treatment. It is a kind of “Do as I say” interaction between the provider and the patient/parent.

AAOIC eNews Fall 2015

From Dr. Terry Pracht, Chairman:  AAOIC to Pay Dividend to Eligible Policyholders

AAOIC, now completing its 20th year in business, continues to be a stable, affordable source of professional liability insurance exclusively for members of the American Association of Orthodontists. Unlike other…

AAOIC Summer 2015 eNews

Review Your Business Insurance Package

Picture this: Your business – the one you love and have worked hard for – has just come under attack. Expert hackers have stolen your employees’ and patients’ most private information.

You begin to panic. What will this do to your reputation? Will you lose…

AAOIC eNews – Spring 2015

Be Aware of Corporate Coverage Needs

If you are an orthodontist who practices as a professional corporation either as a shareholder or a partner, your corporation is also at risk if you become a defendant in a malpractice lawsuit. If your corporation is not named as an insured on your policy, the AAOIC will not be…

AAOIC eNews – Fall 2014Defending Orthodontic Lawsuits: Nobody Does It Better 
There are several reasons that AAOIC insures more orthodontists for their professional liability needs than any other company. One of the most important relates to the AAOIC Claims Committee. Unlike most other companies, our claims committee is composed entirely of…AAOIC eNews – Spring 2014AAOIC Risk Management
One of the more unpleasant events that can happen to an orthodontist is to be the target of a malpractice claim. AAOIC works tirelessly to effectively represent each policyholder who is involved with a malpractice claim or lawsuit.
Despite company support, doctors report…Summer 2012 AAOIC eNewsletterVisit AAOIC’s New Web Site:  AAOIC.ComTo provide outstanding service to insureds and all orthodontists, the AAOIC Board of Directors embarked on a yearlong project to upgrade its insurance management computer system and build a new company Web site. The transition is nearly complete. The upgrade allows AAOIC to…