8 Reasons More Orthodontists Choose AAOIC Malpractice Insurance

Published by Alan Baum on

The most popular orthodontic professional liability insurance in the United States, the AAOIC policy is considered the greatest membership benefit of the American Association of Orthodontics (AAO) by many of its members. Here’s why:

  1. AAOIC understands the challenges you face in your practice. Protecting those who work in orthodontics is what we do best. Unique to AAOIC, claims are reviewed by a committee of experienced orthodontists—your peers, not just a claims processor. The AAO professionals who serve on the committee understand the challenges you face because they also work within the profession. Plus, the AAOIC works with a team of attorneys nationwide who are experienced in dental and orthodontic malpractice defense.
  2. There’s no settlement of any claim without your consent… no hammer clause. Unlike some malpractice policies, the AAOIC policy includes a pure/true consent to settle with no hammer clause. This means you decide whether the claim is settled or continues. If you don’t want to settle, the AAOIC continues to defend you and pay for all defense costs and damages—even if they exceed the suggested settlement amount. Defense costs are also outside and in addition to the limits of liability. The cost to defend your claim does not count against your policy limits.
  3. Every policyholder is a shareholder of the company. AAOIC profits are shared with each insured in the form of a dividend paid as a premium credit. Unlike other companies, AAOIC is not in business to make profits for investors. Instead, our goal is to provide quality, reliable, and affordable malpractice insurance as a benefit to AAO members.
  4. AAOIC offers a $25 malpractice policy for recent graduates. The AAOIC offers the most cost-effective plan available during every stage of your career. In addition, new and recent graduates may qualify for a $25 first-year occurrence or claims-made policy. Both types of policies also include discounts for the second and third years. Plus, you may qualify for other discounts. Discounts may vary by state and county.
  5. AAOIC has the financial strength and experience to fight for its members. We’ve been defending AAO members for more than 25 years. Plus, all claims over $200,000 are reinsured by three reinsurance companies rated A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best. With billions of dollars backing us, we’re always prepared to support our members.
  6. AAOIC has the only malpractice insurance that’s endorsed by the AAO. Created by Orthodontists, for Orthodontists©, AAOIC offers comprehensive malpractice insurance to help safeguard your hard-earned career. AAOIC’s plan is the only one created to meet the specific needs of our profession. In fact, AAOIC is the largest provider of malpractice insurance for orthodontists in the United States.
  7. AAOIC offers a choice in malpractice insurance. Unlike some companies, we offer both occurrence and claims-made policies. You decide which type best fits your needs. We will explain the advantages and disadvantages of each type to help you find your perfect fit. There are many practice modalities now in our profession. With AAOIC, you can adapt your malpractice coverage to your practice and budget.
  8. AAOIC’s malpractice insurance includes coverage bonuses such as: coverage for all procedures permitted by your dental license (not limited to orthodontics), First Aid Expense, Regulatory Complaint Defense, Harassment Defense, and Personal Property Damage. AAOIC provides coverage limits up to $6M with a $0 deductible (so you never have to pay in the event of a claim, unless it exceeds your policy limits). AAOIC also provides both occurrence and claims-made policies available in all 50 states, so you never have to change insurers if you move.

AAOIC believes that protecting your career is worth doing right. And, because we’re orthodontists like you, we understand your needs better than any other insurance company. Remember, with coverage limits up to $6 million, AAOIC is the only ally you’ll need to fend off malpractice claims.

So, what are you waiting for? See how you can save money and get better coverage with AAOIC—visit aaoicplans.com/Malpractice for more details and to discuss your options with one of our insurance specialists today!

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